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Collaboratively or independently, I take an idea and with my motion graphic skills, I turn it into an animated film. I have access to a library of audio - music, sound fxs and can add custom voice overs.

I supply a film in a digital format to whatever requirements are needed. 

I am based in South Wales with my own edit suite and means of transport.

What I do.png



Storytelling comes in many formats. It can be retelling a personal tale, or a story that might be educational, informative, fiction or fact. By expressing ourselves and honing into what matters to us we can feel lighter, experience clarity and feel acknowledged. We can encourage others to reflect, perhaps start conversations and feel united.  

 It's a significant and useful form of expression. It can be individual, collaborative, important, funny, serious, expressive. It can unite, start conversations and be reflective and meaningful. 






Creating paintings, poetry, drawings or collage in response to our stories or simply adding illustrative art can be a fun exploration and help us to feel present. Using this artwork in your film can be an exciting new way of seeing your creativity come to life.


watercolour 3.jpeg
My Dear Inner Child FINAL (0-00-42-09).jpg



A short animated film based on your idea and artwork can fill you with a sense of pride and achievement. Music, sound effects, narration can be added, whatever is needed to complete your project.

Perhaps your story is to be shared with others, it can be used as digital art, an awareness film or for it be to kept personally for you to reflect on. 


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